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Children in our local communities face trauma every day – perhaps through the disruption of the family unit due to neglect or abuse, the death of loved ones, loss due to fire, or even car accidents. Children impacted by these events can benefit by the therapeutic effects of stuffed animals.
Research has shown that many children who are presented with a stuffed animal during a time of stress or trauma will recover faster or show less signs of post traumatic stress. The improvement is attributed to the child being able to take control of their situation by transferring their fears to the animal and then “caring” for it.
Here is some information and news about how we are bringing snuggly friends to their proper homes.

Check Out What’s Happening Now
Children in our local communities face trauma every day – perhaps through the disruption of the family unit due to neglect or abuse, the death of loved ones, loss due to fire, or even car accidents. Children impacted by these events can benefit by the therapeutic effects of stuffed animals.
Research has shown that many children who are presented with a stuffed animal during a time of stress or trauma will recover faster or show less signs of post traumatic stress. The improvement is attributed to the child being able to take control of their situation by transferring their fears to the animal and then “caring” for it.
Here is some information and news about how we are bringing snuggly friends to their proper homes.
The need is great!
I have been busy confirming places that want stuffed animals to provide to the children they service. So far, I have requests for almost 500 animals with more outstanding! This week, I am looking forward to confirming organizations that will conduct the drives during...
January 19th, 2016
I'm so excited to get my vision of helping children off the ground. I am busy working to confirm our first set of collection and recipient organization.
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